Wellness In Every Season
Welcome to the "Wellness in Every Season" podcast, where we dive into well-being, embracing holistic approaches to nurture mind, body, and soul. Join life coach and parenting coach, Autumn Carter, as we explore the power of routines, address limiting beliefs, and cultivate self-trust on the path to holistic wellness.
In this podcast, we envision a future where we effortlessly integrate mindful routines into their lives, creating a harmonious balance between self-care and family responsibilities. We explore holistic wellness from all angles, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health. By addressing and releasing fears, embracing mindfulness, and acknowledging the multiple facets of well-being, moms unlock their inner strength and tap into their intuition. Through this journey, they build self-trust, becoming confident in their ability to make choices that support their holistic wellness and the well-being of their loved ones.
Join us on this transformative journey as we empower you to embrace holistic wellness, prioritize self-care, and build self-trust. Let's embark on a future where we thrive in mind, body, and spirit, fostering a ripple effect of well-being within their families and communities.
Wellness In Every Season
Episode 105: Dr. Singleton Unpacks the Link Between Neuropathy, Weight Loss, and Gut Health
Neuropathy, Weight Loss, and Gut Health: A Conversation with Dr. Todd Singleton
In episode 105 of Wellness in Every Season, host Autumn Carter interviews Dr. Todd Singleton about neuropathy and weight loss. Dr. Singleton shares his extensive experience in pain management and his discovery of the links between gut health and various health issues, including neuropathy and weight loss. He explains the importance of the microbiome, digestive processes, and reducing sugar intake. Dr. Singleton also discusses his successful methods and programs for helping individuals improve their health. The episode emphasizes holistic wellness and the critical role of diet and gut health in overall well-being. Listeners are encouraged to take actionable steps toward better health and to share the episode with others who might benefit.
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00:00 Introduction to Wellness in Every Season
00:25 Meet Dr. Todd Singleton: Neuropathy and Weight Loss
02:00 Discovering the Gut Connection
03:52 The Rise of Weight Loss Practices
05:16 Understanding Neuropathy and Its Causes
06:27 The Role of the Microbiome in Health
09:24 Patient Success Stories
15:07 The Importance of Proper Digestion
20:36 The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
21:25 The Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss
24:42 Understanding the Germ Theory and Detoxification
27:02 Working with Patients Worldwide
28:07 The Role of Supplements in Health
31:34 The Impact of Sugar and Diet on Health
33:35 Final Thoughts and Resources
One last thing to cover the show legally. I am a certified life coach giving general advice. So think of this more like a self-help book. This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only. I am not a licensed therapist. So this podcast shouldn't be taken as a replacement for professional guidance from my doctor therapist. Or any other qualified expert? If you want personal one-on-one coaching for my certified coach. Go to my website, wellness and every season.com.
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Episode 105: Dr. Singleton Unpacks the Link Between Neuropathy, Weight Loss, and Gut Health
roduction to Wellness in Every Season
Autumn Carter: This is episode 105
Speaker: Welcome to Wellness in Every Season, the podcast where we explore the rich tapestry of wellness in all of its forms. I'm your host Autumn Carter, a certified life coach turned wellness coach, as well as a certified parenting coach dedicated to empowering others to rediscover their identity in their current season of life.
My goal is to help you thrive both as an individual and as a parent.
Meet Dr. Todd Singleton: Neuropathy and Weight Loss
Autumn Carter: Today I have with me Dr. Todd Singleton and he is going to talk to us about neuropathy, which if you don't understand what that means, I can bungle along, but he will help me get on the right track. It is basically when you are losing feeling in your nerves.
And he's going to be talking to us about weight loss. I know this episode is going out in March and this is something that's really important to talk about because so many of us have weight loss goals starting in December, November, and now it's March and we've fallen flat on them. So he's going to talk to us about how to get back on this and so much more.
I'm so excited to dive into his story. He's been very excited to get on with me. We've been texting back and forth. I will let him take it away by telling us about a story. and about the ways that he specializes. So go ahead and welcome on board.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Thank you, Autumn. It's a pretty interesting story.
And so back, I've been out of school now for 34 years. So I'm just getting my feet wet. And so I started back in the nineties when I had the largest practice here in Utah west of the Mississippi, you had two clinics, 75 employees. My own MRI machine medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, nurse practitioners, you name it, we had it doing pain management.
And I noticed that we had everything for work hardening, work conditioning, and 70 percent of the patients were, getting good results. But then there's these 30%, Dr. Singleton let's try this. So we're trying all these different things. And so I thought, okay. Something's going on here.
Discovering the Gut Connection
Dr. Todd Singleton: So I have a scanning device. It's if you're car says check engine light comes on. And you go get a, just plug it into a little scanner, a little computer. They'll say O2 sensor, or your gas cap's not screwed on. So it was like that. So I was scanning patients, and what was coming up is the gut thing.
The small intestine, large intestine, stomach. And I'm thinking, okay, if this is showing weakness, it's if you have a flat tire, let's fix it. So I thought, let's do something to encourage a better and healthier gut. This was now what's called the microbiome. Oh, so now it's everywhere.
And so I thought, let's do something with some prebiotics, probiotics, anti inflammatory foods, good fiber, plant based fiber, and these things. Just to help them and see what would happen. Next thing getting out of pain and I'm thinking, are you kidding me? This is pretty cool. And guess what?
They're now losing weight. He's lost 10 pounds. I still has 15 pounds and I'm thinking great. Now in my mind, I'm thinking, I don't know what's going on here. And that's when fecal transplants were coming out. Now, if you don't know what that is, let me explain it to you.
So here's what happens. So they take somebody who does not need to lose weight. And when you eat food, 54 percent of our bodies made of bacteria. So as the food goes through the small intestine, the bacteria's job is to grab the food and break it down into smaller pieces so it can get past this brush border into the bloodstream all the way down to the colon.
And so then they take the feces, the booboo and they harvest out the bacteria and then they implant that into people who have a hard time losing weight and it works, but it's like 30, $40,000. And I'm thinking I'm not gonna do that. I'm not set up for that. So I thought, let's do something more of a natural thing like we're doing.
And at that point I was 350 pounds. Yeah. I couldn't even tie my shoes. And so we started doing that and I'm just getting so many great results.
The Rise of Weight Loss Practices
Dr. Todd Singleton: And then in 2006, I opened up a separate weight loss practice and I'm like, it's like getting busy. And that was when FinFin was around. You remember FinFin? It's like the old GLP 1, ozempic and semaglutide today.
FinFin was like a phentermine. It suppressed your appetite. So as long as you're on this drug, you don't want to eat. But then when you go off the drug, you want to eat. And of course the weight comes back. And so patients were coming in and I remember one of my patients, the first name was Nan, I said, she's Dr.
Sheldon, I am here because my doctor said I need to lose weight because within a few months, they're going to cut off my leg from the knee down. Cause she had bad neuropathy. I said, so Nan, I know we can help you with weight loss, but I think we can also help your feet. She's Oh no. Doctors have said nothing can be done about my neuropathy and I'm like hey, you're here.
Let's see what happens. So anyway, three months later, she loses 55 pounds. And sure neuropathy went away and I'm just thinking, wow, another patient happened to neuropathy went away because we changed this microbiome, this gut thing. And I'm thinking, okay, I stumbled onto something.
It's not because I'm a brainiac. I just been doing what I see that's, I think that's why they call it a practice because we get to practice on patients. Right. You practice
Autumn Carter: on yourself too. I heard you lost a lot of weight. And
Dr. Todd Singleton: so I thought, okay, what is going on here?
Understanding Neuropathy and Its Causes
Dr. Todd Singleton: So I'm searching neuropathy.
So neuropathy was actually brought to attention during World War II. Prisoners of war were subjected to starvation. And what's interesting is our bodies heal in priority. So if you get this much food, the body's going to heal the brain. That's going to heal the gut, the visceral organs, and guess who gets the scraps?
Your feet. The feet are the stepchild of what your body gets. So these soldiers, back in the forties, these amazing soldiers were losing legs and feet. And so I'm thinking that's what's going on. Malnutrition. And then people who have chemotherapy, let's fast forward to today. If you have chemotherapy, destroys the microbiome, the gut, the good bacteria.
They develop neuropathy. Somebody who wants to lose weight with a bariatric surgeon, they go in and get a stomach bypass. It messes with the microbiome. They develop neuropathy. In fact, you Google this. What is a stomach
Autumn Carter: bypass for people who don't know?
Dr. Todd Singleton: Stomach stapling. They want to cut out most of their stomach so they can only eat like this much food.
Autumn Carter: Huh. And and then, basically forces them not to eat much. Yes, it decreases the absorption and the effects are neuropathy. So now guess what it is today?
The Role of the Microbiome in Health
Dr. Todd Singleton: GLP ones, ozempic, semaglutide, the drug that one of the people in Los Angeles, one of the Kardashian, they made it popular, because it's already a billion trillion dollar industry for people who are type two diabetics for years. Insurance wouldn't pay for it.
It's 1, 500 a month. You'd go in once a week and get a shot. And it affected the microbiome and a lot of people were getting this dysphagia gut distress, but it basically forces you to not eat. But it affects the microbiome, so I'll have female patients come in their 40s who have been on it and they just got off of it because it was distressful to their gut.
And I said, you know what? Let me check this out. So I have a thermal imaging camera here. So I thought, let me take a picture of your feet. And I was able to take a picture of their feet. I don't know if you can see this. Let's see, but this, so I don't know if you see the toes, but the toes are blue.
74 degrees. I'm sorry. 75 degrees at that. That's cold. So if normal is 98. So somebody is already have cold toes. They don't really have the symptomatology of neuropathy, but they have beginnings of neuropathy because it shows objectively that something in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 20, 25 plus degrees colder, that's not normal.
Because neuropathy goes through these phases. on a scale from 1 to 10, Hey, I feel so my foot's going on down there 4567 pain 8910 and the number the death of people with amputation. It's losing b getting your head aneurysm and so that's not a good way to go and of course nobody wants amputation so I started seeing this and I thought oh my gosh what is going on here this is amazing so then I started advertising to the whole city that I'm in I'm doing neuropathy and I got inundated with people who wanted to get rid of their neuropathy because they didn't want amputation so I'm doing weight loss and now over here I'm doing neuropathy and it's going crazy and as far as busyness and then I thought you know what Just needs to be shared.
So then I started to train other doctors in the country. So since oh seven, I've trained over 2, 500 plus clinics who've come to Salt Lake City, not all at the same time, but every month, every other month, like 10 to 12 doctors with their staff, chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists, homeopaths, acupuncturists would come to Salt Lake for training, and I still coach a lot of these doctors now on a Monday and a Friday.
But I was coaching about the weight loss and the neuropathy, and I get texts, I have to carry three phones with me, I get texts from doctors saying, thank you so much for teaching me this, I'm saving patients lives.
Autumn Carter: That's amazing, it's something that seems unrelated, is so related by our gut, and that you are able to share this with other people using technology. And to keep them updated in this.
Dr. Todd Singleton: It's so powerful.
Patient Success Stories
Dr. Todd Singleton: Another lady comes in. She's on a liver transplant waiting list because her doctor said, you should go lose some weight because you're going to do better post operatively once we find the liver for you.
So I put her on a program. Three months later,
she loses weight.
Sometimes I have a hard time talking about patients, but, she didn't need a liver. Her liver's now functioning at 60%. She had 200,000 saved up for that. Didn't need a liver. A lady comes in she had MS in her brain, but she wanted to lose it. She was 24. Her mother was a patient and she said, dark symptom.
You think you can help me with my ms? I said I don't treat ms, but I can help your body treat whatever's going on. So I put her on one of my programs. Three months later, the six lesions are gone. And in fact, her neurologist was a good friend of mine and I was talking to him about this girl and he said, yeah, I'm so glad she did, this, and she didn't do that.
She just did the program and her body healed. MS was gone. My mother who, you know, Parkinson's, my dad passed at old five and she's this Parkinson's. She was just like this hand tremors. So I said, mom, I can help you. So I helped her and it was gone, but she had to give up things like sugar, basically sugar feeds the body and it's toxic to the body.
So after about six months, she's you know what, I can't live without my ice cream anymore. So she started back on her old diet and she started shaking again. But I've seen people go from here to here and one of my things that I love to say, because I don't want to argue with the patient, but I already do this.
I already take that supplement. I already eat this way. I say, look, would you agree with me that what you're doing does not work? Okay, keep taking it. You're going to get the same result, but would you agree with me that what you're doing is not working? Would you like to do this program?
So I have a bunch of video testimonials where I'll explain to them, educate the patient, let them make. their decisions. They're the ones they're going to have to do. In fact, the patient asked me, Dr. Salem, do you guarantee your program? I go, yes, if I move in with you. I can see what you're eating.
We have recipes, menu plans. We have foods to enjoy, foods to avoid. If you want to live this way, cause I, it's not about you should do it because to get healthy, you should lose weight. No. What about you're overweight and your grandkids are saying, Hey Grammy, we go for a walk. Let's go do this. And no, let's just sit here and watch a movie because my wife my wife's mom was, Hey, let's sit down.
What can I make you to eat? And then my mom was, Hey, let's go on a hike. Let's play softball. Let's go throw some frisbee. It was like, she was all into activity and my kids wanted to go there. So I tell, I said, you're competing with another grandma. So do you want to be the active grandma that kids love to be around?
Cause you're so positive and you have so much energy. Or do you want to be the couch potato? So when they look at that, it totally, they get their, I should do it for the grandkids because sometimes when people do it for themselves, it's eh, it's not working, but if they do it for the grandkids, in fact, we'll even do, we'll do better job for the grandkids than they would for their spouse.
It's crazy that way. But the grandkids or their own kids we'll do it. So it's a program that I love. And like I said I'm here three days a week. Cause I'm still coaching other doctors on Mondays and Fridays. Oh my gosh. It's amazing. The testimonials that I get, the lives we change.
Autumn Carter: I'm glad that you talked about the weight loss part. So I was going to circle back to that. So we know medically it can do a lot to our bodies, or at least I do. My degree is in applied health and I've researched it out and done a lot of work on it. However, there is also the, especially in the United States where we are.
We live through the 90s where there's a lot of fat shaming. There is a lot still, there are very big outgoes of it. And it can be really hard to get through that to realize I actually need to be a weight that feels good in my body. And by feeling good, it's my body is processing food correctly.
I am feeling right. I'm not feeling lethargic after I eat. I have energy because food is energy. I have The ability to go out hiking with my grandchildren. I have the ability to do the things that I want to do. For me, I just picked up pickleball. I've been learning pickleball. It's a lot of fun and I need the energy to do that.
And I want to feel this way in my body instead of the scale, or I want my clothes to fit me this way, especially my favorite clothes. So I really like that you're talking about it from a different viewpoint and It's important to realize that Our body is supposed to function properly. We should not be okay with this is just the way my body is.
I'm constipated all the time, or I have diarrhea all the time, but this is the way it is, or I constantly have tingling in my feet. It's always the way it's going to be. There's the realization that even if these things aren't something that you're struggling with, if you're struggling with something else in your life, you don't have to be satisfied with this is the status quo.
You can reach for more. You deserve more. And we all know somebody who is struggling with weight. Hi. Jay, who is struggling with our GI tract, not their GI tract, not working properly. Who's struggling with neuropathy. And normally when we think of neuropathy at least for me, I think diabetes. So can you talk to us a little bit more about, I'm sure you've seen patients who are diabetic.
While he's sharing this, while he's about to start speaking, pick up your phone, pick up your device and share this episode because somebody needs to hear this and then talk to us about people who you've helped that are specifically diabetic.
The Importance of Proper Digestion
Dr. Todd Singleton: You talked about when you eat food, you have energy. 90 percent of our energy is in digesting food. So if it's harder to break food down, you're not going to have as much energy. Thank you. Most people are breaking down, absorbing, 40 to 60% of what they eat and the rest is not being broken down.
And so that can cause bowel issues. Lower quadrant like the colon constipation. 95% of all. disease and all problems with health stem from a toxic colon. And so we need to get, first of all, we need to chew our food longer. You can just look at your kids, your grandkids, they'll chew like three or four times and swallow it.
The more you can chew your food as an adult too, it takes practice. You got to chew your food and then just push it forward and swallow and then do another session of 10 20 chews. The salivary amylase? Breaks the food down. So if it's more broken down before it hits the stomach, then we know it's going to be better digested.
Your stomach pH is between like 1 and 3. That helps break down protein because protein is a branched chain of amino acids. People say what about your protein? Where do you get your protein from? The body doesn't absorb protein. If it did, in fact, if you have what's called a leaky gut syndrome and if protein actually gets in through your gut and gets in the bloodstream, a lot of women, in fact, University of Utah Medical Center, they're finding out one of the causes of breast cancer because they found protein in breast tissue.
It's not supposed to be there. And that needs to be broken down in the acidity of the stomach. And so the problem is when the body doesn't break the food down. In fact, white people have reflux. Stomach is like a washing machine. It's like trying to churn and the hydrochloric acid is trying to touch all the pieces of that food.
And then it's Hey, we're done because the person's on, maybe a lot of coffee or soda pop, or, they're eating, cause 80 percent of all the antibiotics that are made in America are injected in animals. So if you eat restaurant food, fast food, or if you're even buying food that's commercially raised, all those antibiotics are killing off your bacteria.
And that's affecting how your body digests, So the stomach tries to contract. There's a little sphincter before the food comes in with some receptor cells. And if the sphincter can recognize, hey this is not ready to come over here to the small intestine, it closes up.
But right above that, there's a esophageal flap. It's not a sphincter, it's just a little flap. So the stomach tries to contract to push the food through. A little bit of that food sinks those up into your esophagus. Oh, I have heartburn. I have too much acid. No. Then you go on this antacid and that's going to cause a whole lot of problems.
We can talk about that later. So when food goes down the small intestine, the body's job is to break it down. And if it's not being broken down, it goes a little lower and lower, closer to the pancreas. So the pancreas is like a double edged sword. It's an exocrine gland and an endocrine gland. So the food's coming down, and the pancreas is going, Really?
What's going on up there? So the pancreas is releasing enzymes, a pancreatic enzyme, because if it didn't do that, you would die. So the pancreas is working day shift. This is how I explain it. The pancreas is working day shift, to break down that food that wasn't broken down upstream.
And then if you're eating carbs, sugars, because most everything is going to turn to sugar. And the thing is to find foods that don't turn to sugar so fast. And so then when it goes into the bloodstream, then the other side of the pancreas is releasing insulin. So now the pancreas is working day shift, and now it's working swing shift.
It's working like overtime. What's the next shift? Graveyard shift. Diabetes. They call it adult onset diabetes because you just basically beat that pancreas to death. And here's the bad thing. When you have this much sugar in your body, you become pre diabetic. A lot of people are pre diabetic for many years.
And then all of a sudden their A1C is, above seven, eight. What happens is the insulin is released. And if you have more insulin in the body, it actually causes inflammations. Dr. Oz called this once little razor blades or hatchets hacking away on the internal lining of the blood vessels.
And especially it works mostly or pressures in the heart. So now it creates. Some inflammation, the coronary arteries of the heart, too much insulin. So who comes to the rescue? The fire department. We call it the liver. The liver produces 75 percent of your cholesterol. So cholesterol now is released and comes in and it lays down a protective coating so the body can heal itself.
So after a while, if you don't change your diet, the walls are coming in and you're not getting as much blood flow, lack of oxygenation to those Heart muscles that keep beating, thank goodness. And you get short of breath. You go on a hike or you get stressed out, you start to have heart pain, chest pain, and you go in and do a EKG, and they put a stent through your leg or go through your arm.
And then they tell you basically put you on a, statin. Oh, you have too much cholesterol. Let's find out why because if the liver produces 75 percent of your cholesterol and 25 percent from your diet, is that the cholesterol? The problem is that the bad guy? No, it's the diet. It's what you're eating.
That's causing the inflammation. And so people that are type two diabetic. It can totally be reversed. We've had patients that are 13, 14 A1Cs come back to normal. We just have to get their bodies digesting, absorbing, so they don't overtax the pancreas. The day shift, swing shift, the exocrine, release, and the endocrine release, and the pancreas, it needs a break.
We all need a break. The pancreas also needs a break.
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Dr. Todd Singleton: That's why intermittent fasting was such a big thing, because when you're intermittent fasting, you're not eating until 12 or 1 o'clock. The body's like has time to prepare itself, do something. So if you have that eating, because every time you eat, every time you snack, guess what insulin is going up.
So if you cannot eat all the time and just eat from between noon or one to six o'clock, maybe two, two times a day. Your body's gonna love you for that. Your body's gonna feel so much better because it's not going to be so much, stress on digesting, absorbing your food. So that's what we do.
We go back to the microbiome, get the body to digest and absorb more like 80, 90 percent and then the body functions better because then it takes the stress off of the exocrine gland. That's the exocrine gland of the pancreas that's being released to help break down what wasn't done upstream.
The Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss
Autumn Carter: So I read a book several months ago, it's called Why We Sleep, and I asked him to be on my podcast, he's on sabbatical so I don't know when I'll get a response from him, but how does sleep play into this?
Dr. Todd Singleton: The reason why it lets our bodies repair to lose weight. If they d six hours, they're not go there's two systems and a parasympathetic system is when we're awake when we're driving.
And a good example, so excited, you gonna eat. So you eat all And then you sit there and the, cause that's a sympathetic going. And then the parasympathetic kicks in because parasympathetic is trying to now digest the food. So basically it takes the blood flow, not all the blood flow from your arms and your legs.
It makes you tired. It makes you want to sit down and watch this football game or something. This is why they tell you don't go swimming two hours after you eat, because if you eat and you go swimming, you get leg cramps because the blood has a lot of the blood has left your legs and arms, You get cramps, and this is why people have problems in cold water, like in lakes, right after the heat.
And so you sit there, and you want to let the parasympathetic system take over. So when you sleep at night, so I tell patients, try to read a book around eight, nine o'clock, read a book, take a nice bath. Don't watch don't get on your phone or a TV or your iPad. Do something to slowly get you to sleep.
Because right past the stomach, the first part of the small intestine is where serotonin is made, which is happy hormone. Serotonin is a precursor to melatonin. So get into an environment in your room where it's darker, because the darker the environment, the higher the melatonin. That's why when the sun goes down, it starts to get a little bit darker, you feel a little bit more sleepy.
That's why driving at nighttime is not a good thing. Or you can just pound a bunch of caffeine, but again, eventually it's going to catch up to you. But sleep, is so important. And then problem is when they gain at me, they stop breathing stress on the heart and increases cortisol, which sugar, which increases in we are back again on this lose it because if you get into good, deep REM s o'clock and two o'clock, growth hormone.
So i you go to bed, you're 150
that growth hormone being released. Most people aren't lucky for that. You know those sumo wrestlers, you know the big guys, they get, they don't get to, during their REM sleep, they're eating. They're eating when they're not supposed to be sleeping. So when you eat, you should be sleeping or resting, the body's not going to lose fat.
Your body's just going to pack it on. And again, sleeping is so important. You gotta have a good bed, good pill, and the best position to sleep in is The left side because you get better digestion on your left side
Autumn Carter: lately I've been sleeping better on my right side But as I told you before we recorded the stomach going through my house Our oldest came in saying threw up at midnight
my husband's a winner, by the way, in case anybody's wondering, he stayed up with him and I went back to bed because I'm recovering. I started the stomach bug trend and I still feel lethargic because it was right during my prime REM cycle. So that totally makes sense.
Dr. Todd Singleton: You know what's interesting about that?
Understanding the Germ Theory and Detoxification
Dr. Todd Singleton: They call it the germ theory. Back in the day, it was the germ theory. Why is it that people in the same household? Get the same. Where did we get it? Because we ate the same foods. Because here's the thing, the liver, after so many days of just, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and now Christmas time, treats, the candies, hey, people brought this over, hey, you can only have two cookies, it's like the body is so smart, the liver will now produce the fever, get up to 100, 203, To kill off the bacteria, the body is so smarter than you know in other words, the body can handle it.
And so when we get sick, it's just our body saying, hey, it's time to detox and cleanse our body needs to flush out. And then when we get sick, we don't want to eat. And so you're not eating, you're like fasting, the body's healing, it's healing. And that's how the body recovers. One of the things you can do is take a hot bath, get in a hot shower, and just try to sweat as much as you can, you don't need to take a bunch of drugs, just let the body deal with it, drink a lot of water, and the body's going to be healthier, it's going to build immunity, your immune system is going to go up, because it just went through this cycle again.
Autumn Carter: And, yep, my water's right next to me, and that is when I hit extra teas, because that's my way of, I get bored of water. When I need to drink more water, I add in tea too, So I feel like I'm doing something different, but it's still a lot of water.
And I do Epsom salt baths when I'm not feeling well, too. I love it. And I'll do that for my kids that they've been sick for a while and they can't seem to kick it. And in one of my classes that I was taking one of my health related classes, I forget what the statistic was and it's old by now.
Most viruses that we think we have are actually food related. When I learned that, I was like, Oh, it's just, wow. And it can be contagious if it's neurovirus. Yeah, which is from food borne pathogens, which was very interesting and we actually just went to a potluck recently Christmas potluck, so that makes sense Totally, I still it's I rarely start the virus in the family Usually it's the children we call them our germ factory.
Sometimes I say it with love sometimes I know it's dang it. I'm sick again. Okay, So before we recorded, you told me that you obviously work with people locally.
Working with Patients Worldwide
Autumn Carter: You mentioned that you train other doctors and there is a way. So most of my listeners are not located in Utah or even on the West Coast.
You work with people all around the world. Tell us about that.
Dr. Todd Singleton: So I have patients all over the world that help with neuropathy. So I have a website. that basically goes through a lot of things I've already covered about what causes it. And what you can do to slow it down and stop it from getting worse.
And on the website, there's a link to download a PDF for recipes and menu plans, so to start feeding your body much better to get the food down to the feet. That website is I forgot. No, I didn't. The website is, NeuropathyProgram at Neuropathy program at H O M E dot com, and you'll go there.
I'm on there. I'm sitting up on the very top of it. I do a little video explaining. You just go through there. In fact, right now like there's some discount stuff. I just leave it on all year round. So people get a discount. There's a few products on there.
The Role of Supplements in Health
Dr. Todd Singleton: And the products that I use have been around for 45 years.
There was a doctor Dr. Nelson went over to Japan and bought century old formulations from the Japanese herbologist. And for the first 22 years, they were just going to Japan. So she would grow them in central Utah on the farmlands and then ship them to Japan. So in 1999, I went to her seminar she was doing on fibromyalgia and behind her, she had these bottles.
And I'm like, after this class, I went up and said, what language is this? She goes, that's Japanese. I go, and this you told me about, I go, I want that, I want those, how can I get those? Can you make that in English? He's no, people here in America don't really do that. They don't like, they have microwaves, fast foods, so I said so I had to develop, took me four years to develop like 16 programs. And they finally private label these, they're called solutions for it. They private label them for doctors. And you know how most supplements. FDA doesn't regulate any of the supplements because you don't know.
Autumn Carter: That is a passion project for another day of mine.
Dr. Todd Singleton: If you went to 2016, New York attorney general, he actually went into places and took a bunch of supplements and he tested them and they're like 10 to 20 percent of what they said. Last year,
Autumn Carter: and the amount of lead that's in them.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Yeah.
Autumn Carter: Yeah. That's a story for another day.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Yes.
Clippings were the majority. What was in there, but the solutions for it actually had the FDA go in and test everything. They all come back and had, exactly what was in them. So that's what I've been using it for since 2007 and all the other doctors are using this. So when you go on that website, neuropathy program at home.
com. You'll see those products and in there, there is a product called L Arginine with L Citrulline and CoQ10 which is very important for nitric oxide boost, for vasodilation. One scoop is four grams of L Citrulline because L Citrulline lasts longer, a lot longer than L Arginine for the nitric oxide.
We want to get the blood vessels popping. And here's some studies that have just been done in the last several years. L Arginine actually helps to de plaque blood vessels. You're like, are you kidding? You should be drinking that every day if you're over 40. So you'll read all that information on there.
So I just hope that's helpful. I even have my number on there. So if people have questions, you can text me. Text me first because I'll probably be with patients during the week, but it's very helpful and it's amazing. You get a lot of great comments and feedback from that, that it's been really helpful for them.
Autumn Carter: I just thought of my father in law, so I'll be sending this to him. Who are you guys going to send this podcast episode to? That is your question. Because we all know people like this, like I said before. This is huge and My father in law does not know I'm sharing a story, so I'll share only a little bit.
But he does have a blood clot in his leg that's been there for a couple years. And the doctors aren't really doing anything about it, they just sent him home, they didn't really give him more information. Thankfully, we have a doctor in the family, his sister in law, so he was able to chat with her and get some more information, how to help it, type of thing.
But he still feels lost, and he's somebody who, back in the career days, he was an engineer. Very smart, feeling lost. Can you imagine how that feels? It's awful. So I will be sharing this with him and judging by your look, your, there was a look of disgust there and eek.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Yeah. Check.
Got to get him off the soda pop.
Autumn Carter: He actually does not drink soda pop. My mother in law does, but he does not.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Okay.
Autumn Carter: He's very against that, but yeah. Things that you do. Lots of snacking. Yeah.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Yeah. Lots of snacking. So sugar. Yeah.
The Impact of Sugar and Diet on Health
Dr. Todd Singleton: Sugar is this. So let me. I wanted just to share one thing back.
You're talking about the fat. So in the 1960s, I can't say who it was, but they misread a study out of Lancet. It's a trade journal for the medical field over in Europe about fat. Next thing we become no fat, low fat nation. But yet we're the fattest people.
My grandma was into that and she gained more weight off of it and me being a little kid trying to eat food in her pantry all tastes like cardboard. It's gross.
She got more
Autumn Carter: of it because it was low fat, no fat. More sugar. That does not make us fat.
Dr. Todd Singleton: It's the other stuff. The stuff that lightens our frontal cortex, the sugar stuff. That's what really is addicting. What's even more addicting than just sugar. Are the little bugs inside of our body called candida. It's yeast and yeast will create. It's like you give a two year old a cookie and
he's going to run around trying to burn that up and he's going to want another cookie. These little candida bugs in our body, important because they go after the dead cells. But when they start to get fed, they get big, you get larger and larger. In fact, the volume gets larger.
They they poop. So Candida eats and they poop. They're called microtoxins and that has effects everywhere in the bicep. And they've actually developed Some of the
Autumn Carter: bloating too.
Dr. Todd Singleton: Oh, bloating. In fact, a lady yesterday, she come to show Dark Shielded. She's been on my program for a week and a half. She says, one of my big things was I had this bloating.
She gave me a hug. She says, my bloating's gone. My bloating is gone. So I send her a link, give me a shout out on my Website, give me a review. Yeah, so I mean it's so cool that it works The body can heal itself. You just have to Get it in the right state of mind.
And whether it's a father in law or your father or mother, I have to ask them, do you want to be around for five years or 10 years? If they say, you know what? No, I had a good life. I can go by tomorrow and don't change. Keep doing what you're doing. Again, would you agree with me that what you're doing is not working?
Autumn Carter: Which is harder the thought of changing. Or where you're at right now. That definitely goes back to the coaching mentality of, which hard do you wanna choose?
Final Thoughts and Resources
Autumn Carter: We are near the end. Tell us, you told us one of the websites where we can find you, is that the website that we can go to find everything else?
You said that you had a few different websites.
Dr. Todd Singleton: I have one for the weight loss.
Autumn Carter: Yes, go ahead.
Dr. Todd Singleton: I have a take home weight loss program because back during Covid, people didn't wanna go out and so I, I have this package for people. It's called, takehomeweightlossprogram. com
Autumn Carter: And it's in the show description, don't worry.
Dr. Todd Singleton: It's going to be great. Guess what I have on there? I have a product called Craving and Impulse Control. It helps with leptoresistance, insulin resistance. It's like natural GLP ones.
Zempig, Shimabuta. It basically helps with craving and it helps not just with food. I've helped people get off alcohol, smoking, because all these addictive things, it helps when the body's areas, the physiology, its physiology is functioning, the body starts craving, because I have a patient on these programs, and their liver is healthier, their gut microbiome is healthier, they don't even those other foods that they used to be addicted to, it's I don't, it doesn't even taste the same, people have told me, Dr.
Sheldon, you've destroyed me with diet sodas, I don't like that sort anymore. I hate it. I go, I'm sorry.
Autumn Carter: I don't like it anyway. And I haven't even tried your product.
Dr. Todd Singleton: So it's amazing stuff. And so again, I'm around for help. If there's a number on there, you can email me for questions. I love talking to people.
It freaks people out when people call me and I talk to them. Is this Dr. Singleton? Yes, it's me. It's not a recording. I'm going to help you. I'm the horse's mouth. So I want to help you.
Autumn Carter: And that is a big deal because so many times we go into the doctor's office and they're running behind and they don't really have time to fully listen to our problems and to remember that we are a whole person.
And it's all related and that is what he discovered with neuropathy. That is amazing. Thank you for taking the time to be on here and for taking the time to answer the phone for other people. And do you have any last parting words before we close out?
Dr. Todd Singleton: To see what I do in my office here, I have a local website.
It's called Dr. Todd, D R T O D D Singleton, S I N G L E T O N, drtoddsingleton. com. Now I'll
kind of
show you all the different things that I do for weight management, neuropathy, body contouring just a lot of different things, nutritional stuff. You'll see, actually, if you go on there, you'll see my before and after picture.
You'll have to look, I'm not going to tell you where it's at, but I am actually 8 pounds lighter now than I was in high school.
Autumn Carter: And who
Dr. Todd Singleton: wants, who, everybody wants to say that, I want to get down to my high school weight, right?
Autumn Carter: And the people who say that, sorry, I have aligners in and my mouth is dry. I'm ready for that water.
The people who say that are the people who also don't have the muscles that they had back then. And looking at you on the screen right now, I don't see that there's the muscular atrophy. So that's even more important to realize.
Dr. Todd Singleton: I went to the gym just before we did this. So I'm well, there you go. I'm 64 and I'm in there and all these young people are in there and I'm like, we're lifting just as much as the young kids are lifting.
So I'm going to stay active because, I want to keep doing this forever.
Autumn Carter: And that is why I discovered the eight dimensions of wellness, originally five, Realizing that can be our fountain of youth. Our way of reversing so many problems that we've had throughout our life.
And that we can maintain youthfulness. And there's so many people who just say, Oh I'm just old. No, your thinking's old. You're not old. We can live until 100, past 100, gracefully, with dignity, off the couch, Being active, doing all the things, being able to remember things, remember people's names, have conversations, have that genuine connection, not be that 100 year old that's in a wheelchair drooling on themselves.
And it's if we are taking care of ourselves to remember that there are so many different dimensions of us that we need to be taking care of. And this is what he is here talking to us about, is one thing, gut biome. But it hits. All different dimensions of our wellness, and right here in this area, like all of our GI tract, it affects our feet, and we want those to walk around, and our brain, yes, absolutely our brain.
There were studies that I had to, they were hours long of studies, I was actually working out while I was watching the videos for class, but they were talking about sugar and how bad sugar is for you, and they were showing it with brain scans, so absolutely the brain.
Dr. Todd Singleton: And Alzheimer's dementia is one last thing.
They found out now more what causes Alzheimer's and dementia because the brain needs food. And when you're eating food and you're eating sugar, insulin's job is to grab the glucose and bring it down into the cell. After a while, the cells become resistant and the cells in the brain become resistant so it can't get the glucose up there.
So the cells die and degenerate. It's like crying wolf. Trying to get the glucose in there, but because your diet so high in sugar that it's you know what? There's no more sugar than you get up there in the glucose. That's what the brain cells start to die So they're showing now that is again One of the number one causes of Alzheimer's dementia.
So again, back to the sugar diet, get off the sugar, read the labels.
Autumn Carter: It's in everything.
Dr. Todd Singleton: And then there's the seed oils, the canola oil, the vegetable oil. That's a whole nother topic.
Autumn Carter: Oh yeah. Whole nother episode together. Thank you so much for being on. We look forward to you guys checking out his stuff.
And if you're not ready to check out his stuff, he gave actionable advice. If you missed it, re listen to this. The one right here at the end, start thinking about your sugar intake. Because even what the government is saying is our intake limit is higher than it should be, which says something. And there are other countries who limit things a lot more than we do for health reasons.
We're not getting into a government conspiracy here and the government's being a big bad wolf or any of that stuff, but take your health seriously. Because otherwise, You're gonna regret it. If not today, you will ten years, five years from now. Thank you so much for being on, and thank you so much for listening, all of you who have listened, or for watching.
If you did watch, you did have some great visuals to go back and check through. Thank you again, and we will catch you in the next episode.
Yeti X & HD Pro Webcam C920-3: Thank you for joining me on wellness and every season, take time to relax, heal and be present.
Yeti X & HD Pro Webcam C920-6: Please join me next week. We are going to be talking all about seasons. The current season that you are in could be different from the season outside. Understanding them helps us within our wellness.
Speaker 2: Thanks for tuning in to this week's episode. I am your host Autumn Carter, a certified life coach dedicated to empowering individuals to rediscover their identity, find balance, miss chaos, strengthen relationships and pursue their dreams. My goal is to help people thrive in every aspect of their lives.
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So please spread the word about our podcast and about our newsletter. Thank you for being a part of our podcast community. I look forward to continuing our conversation, sharing stories, and exploring wellness in all of its aspects. Take care until our next episode. You can also work with me one on one or on demand through one of my programs.
By visiting wellness in every season dot com slash programs one last thing to cover the show legally I am a certified life coach giving general advice So think of this this more as a self help book. This podcast is for educational and entertainment purposes only I am not a licensed therapist So this podcast shouldn't be taken as a replacement for professional guidance from a doctor or therapist If you want personal one on one coaching from a certified life and parenting coach, go to my website, wellnessineveryseason.
com. That's where you can get personalized coaching from me for you. See you in next week's episode.